silently and gently getting back to touch, reclaiming contact with care
After a long, precarious period of witnessing our own inner movements and surviving small, confined spaces for moving, maybe witnessing others via online platforms we will now meet in opening bodies in open spaces!
As always, we will all be coming from different places and shades of sensitivity. Maybe some of us already moved in open spaces and in festivals during the summer. But now, more than ever, calls for more attention to our differences and deeper study of what touch entails. Therefore, we will be inviting us all to find calm and focus, and delicately touch —physically, mentally, emotionally, politically— upon issues relating to touch in our CI dancing.
Are you willing to move with us inquiring through some of these questions:
Can we seriously study the sliding scale between a “yes” and a “no”? Can we inquire: “how we know”, “how, when, why our answers change”, “when we are able to answer, when we are confused and/or unable to communicate clearly”, “when we are able or unable to read others”, “how can we develop physical and verbal language to express our ever changing choices”? In other words, “How can we develop skills to be aware and able to sense our physical states and how they are informed of our mental, emotional and chemical states; how they take shape in and around our dances? How can we become the masters and not the victims of our own choices and our partner’s choices in any given moment? How can we move towards developing instant, multi-layered compositions with each other that let us stay in the dance for the dance? Are we ready to fail and repair?
And we believe the silent dance spaces will help us more refined, defined and tuned… Let’s experience it and learn the answers curiously together!
Seriously joyful, joyfully serious…

tornare in silenzio e dolcemente al tatto, reclamando il contatto con cura.

Dopo un lungo, precario periodo in cui abbiamo assistito ai nostri stessi movimenti interiori e siamo sopravvissuti a spazi piccoli e ristretti per spostarci, magari facendo da testimoni ad altri tramite piattaforme online ora ci ritroveremo nell’aprire corpi in spazi aperti!

Come sempre, veniamo tutti da luoghi e sfumature di sensibilità diverse. Forse alcuni di noi si sono già trasferiti negli spazi aperti e nei festival durante l’estate. Ma ora, più che mai, richiede maggiore attenzione alle nostre differenze e uno studio più approfondito di ciò che comporta il tocco. Pertanto, inviteremo tutti noi a trovare calma e concentrazione e a toccare delicatamente —fisicamente, mentalmente, emotivamente, politicamente— le questioni relative al tocco nella nostra danza CI.

Sei disposto a muoverti con noi indagando attraverso alcune di queste domande: possiamo studiare seriamente la scala mobile tra un “sì” e un “no”? Possiamo chiedere: “come sappiamo”, “come, quando, perché le nostre risposte cambiano”, “quando siamo in grado di rispondere, quando siamo confusi e/o incapaci di comunicare chiaramente”, “quando siamo in grado o non possiamo leggere gli altri”, “come possiamo sviluppare il linguaggio fisico e verbale per esprimere le nostre scelte in continua evoluzione”? In altre parole, “Come possiamo sviluppare abilità per essere consapevoli e in grado di percepire i nostri stati fisici e come sono informati dei nostri stati mentali, emotivi e chimici; come prendono forma dentro e intorno alle nostre danze? Come possiamo diventare padroni e non vittime delle nostre scelte e delle scelte del nostro partner in un dato momento? Come possiamo muoverci verso lo sviluppo di composizioni istantanee e multistrato con l’altro che ci permettano di rimanere nella danza per la danza? Siamo pronti a fallire e riparare?

E crediamo che gli spazi di danza silenziosa ci aiuteranno ad essere più raffinati, definiti e sintonizzati… Sperimentiamolo e impariamo le risposte insieme con curiosità!

Seriamente gioioso, gioiosamente serio…

Living the void – Elisa Ghion

Verbal exchange shapes our dialogical relationship, giving shape to the silences that intersperse words. Silence can therefore be considered a relational place in which we are

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Linus and Emelie

Linus and Emelie are two professional musicians and sound healing practitioners fromSweden.Emelie has been studying classical percussion and chamber music at Örebrouniversity in Sweden and

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Circle – Nayeli Špela

A circle is a place where our dance continues and we witness each other through another chanell.  We still improvise and we also allow ourselves

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Beginner’s Mind – Lior Ophir

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few” Shunryu Suzuki Towards the upcoming autumn contact silence retreat I

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Who moves who? – Roberto Bellatalla Between lines, points, spirals, an invisible thread holds bodies and ropes together, like the grass that grows in the interstices, new forms are generated,

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Polarità – Elisa Ghion

In this period I am particularly interested in observing how polarities interact with each other. Thepresence of one makes the presence of the other vivid.

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E=mc2 – Anna Da Pozzo

E = mc 2Did Einstein dance contact? Today at school I explained this wonderful scientific revolution condensed into a formula.When the time comes for this

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LEAF JAM – Angela Mara Florant

Finding pleasure in every movement.Connecting with the season.Harvesting thoughts,Inspirations.Moments of silence.Focused spaces where we dance.Moving from the insideTo the outside.I don’t know the next stepI

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ECHOES – Marta Iucci

« Once a Zen Master asked a disciple: ‘Have you seen the snow leopard?”No’, replied the disciple.’Isn’t it wonderful?’ The Master asked him.from «Silence is

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Tomo Haru


Here is Tomokombu at work, he will accompany us in the evening jams of the first round of the retreat. We remind you that the

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6 – 10  April 2023

Gaia Terra, Flambruzzo, Udine

31 Agosto – 4 Settembre 2023

Monterosi, Anghiari, Arezzo

29 October – 2 November 2023

Gaia Terra, Flambruzzo, Udine


CONTACT SILENCE retreats is a social promotion project of LIBERA MENTE APS association

We firmly believe that contact improvisation holds great potential on a social and communicative level and carries within it an unequivocal educational message. In addition to being the vanguard of the natural and authentic movement, it teaches respect for one’s body and the other, nourishing the fundamental need of the human being to physical contact, gives joy and well-being to those who practice it, reconnects man to his creativity and the primordial dimension of the game.