Don’t ask me that question – Linda Bufali
Recently a girl at the end of one of my intensives asked me if she could interview me for the creation of a podcast. Due to lack of time, we decided that she would ask me the first question and I would answer her with a voice message. After a couple of days I get the question, […]
Tracing Movement: An Artistic Journey in Contact Improvisation – Giulia Ravarotto
La mia esperienza come disegnatrice nei contesti di contact improvisation nasce appena vengo in contatto con la pratica nello spazio della jam. La jam, cuore della pratica, spazio vuoto dal quale emerge naturalmente quello che è presente; uno spazio in continua trasformazione aperto e contenuto, co- creato in ascolto. Riconosco in quanto danzatrice di […]
Whispers of Air: A Dance in Earth’s Embrace – Nina Radovanovic
Whispers of Air: A Dance in Earth’s Embrace In the stillness of movement, a delicate choreography unfolds—a dance woven between breath and touch. Here, we surrender to the rhythm of our breath. Each inhalation becomes a gentle ascent, a whisper lifting us into unseen currents of possibility. In the exhale, solace is found, sinking gracefully […]
Dancing from a place of stillness- Priscilla Pizziol
Dancing from a place of stillness from here, still breathing still changing still decomposing from here, still and still from here. offering my form to the geometric thought of light, allowing my volumes to embody echos of matter, I unthread tracing soft signs through the air, sowing breaths, gathering […]
Silence as an active state of openness and perceptual availability – Edoardo Sgambato
Silence, on our planet, does not exist. Sounds, no matter how slight, surround us everywhere. One environment may be quieter in relation to another, but it will never be soundless. Even inside an anechoic chamber, a room built in such a way as to almost completely cancel out the echo and thus the perception […]
Living the void – Elisa Ghion
Verbal exchange shapes our dialogical relationship, giving shape to the silences that intersperse words. Silence can therefore be considered a relational place in which we are in the absence of clear references and shared meaning. For this, for many people being silent is difficult and creates a sense of disorientation from which they try to get […]
The vital forces of silence and dance – Fabio Rotondo
“Black. Silence. Dark and quiet, the absence of everything, of lights and sounds. The fascination of emptiness, of nothingness in which one can get lost, regenerate and transform.” I like to look at silence as a sacred place, which favors inner listening and the perception of self; a place in which to cultivate a practice […]
Active boredom – Catalin Diaconu
Getting bored with my movement patterns… getting bored with “I lift you, you lift me” CI dances… getting bored with this phrase… getting bored with getting bored… Jokes aside, which I for sure love, I think patterns are great (when I’m not their prisoner), lifts are great (when they make sense), and boredom… if I […]
Enough space to arrive and enough silence to hear – Nayeli Špela
As autumn has arrived, also stillness is becoming very present in my movement practice. In the last years, It has become more and more clear to me that stillness doesn’t necessarily mean no external movement. Many times, as paradoxes work, it is quite the opposite. I see stillness as a time-space dimension of presence. In […]
Trusting the silence – Leonardo Lambruschini
“Animals and trees teach how not to know, how to tolerate being in the world without the obsession to understand. They know how to surrender, they know and teach a primary and radical trust” – Chandra CandianiDuring the intensive we will give space to silence to bring stillness into the movement and broaden the perception […]